The school day runs from Monday - Friday ( 8.35 am - 3.05 pm )



The Academy is set in extensive grounds. We have excellent resources for all areas of the curriculum. Having moved into our new £26 million building in 2013, we have enjoyed wonderful purpose built facilities throughout that time. And we haven't stopped there. The development of a larger dining area, will take place by December 2023. This is a very exciting time for students, staff and parents alike.



We would like the community at large to benefit from the great facilities we have here. There is a cost associated with the hire of these facilities. The facilities we have to offer are below.
If you are interested in booking any of these facilities please contact us at

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3G All Weather Pitch
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Outdoor tennis courts
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Junior size grass football pitch
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Floodlit Astroturf
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Outdoor netball courts
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Indoor cricket nets
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Sportshall (full or thirds available to hire)
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Full 11-a-side grass football pitch
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Grass cricket pitch

Application for Hire of King Edward VI Sheldon Heath Academy Premises 2024/2025.

Address: Sheldon Heath Road, Sheldon, Birmingham, B26 2RZ.

Policy -

Please complete the below form in full and attach any documents that are requested. Failure to complete the form in full may result in a delay in processing your application for hire. Completion of the form does not guarantee your preferred booking time or day. The Academy facilities team will contact you directly once all of the submitted documents have been reviewed and confirm your booking.

Section 1 - Organisation details

Section 2 - Contacts

We will require the contact name, number, address and email address for the coaches present on site for the duration of the booking. Please provide 2 contacts where possible as this will assist us with any communications that need to be sent out in the event of adverse weather, etc.

Section 3 - Booking details

Section 4 - Documents

Drag and drop files here or Browse
Drag and drop files here or Browse
Drag and drop files here or Browse

Section 5 - Declaration

By signing this form and clicking Submit, you agree to our Hire of Facilities policy, (at the top of this form) and our terms and conditions.
This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

The Trust

King Edward VI Academy Trust Birmingham is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registered number 10654935. Registered office: Foundation Office, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham, B15 2UD. Tel: 0121 472 1147.
