The school day runs from Monday - Friday ( 8.35 am - 3.05 pm )



Welcome to our Academy

We are proud of the relationships we have with our local primary schools. The visit's are a continuation of the King Edward VI Foundations’ work on fostering links between primary and secondary schools.

Hillstone Primary school visit on Wednesday 20th November

Two Year 5 classes came over to experience a flavour of learning at our Academy by taking part in a science workshop delivered by our staff specialists – Ms Qamar and Ms Payne. The visit was a continuation of the King Edward VI Foundations’ work on fostering links between primary and secondary schools.

The children got to further develop their prior learning and experience specialist labs and equipment, by taking part in a bespoke Masterclass on the topic of Space. Students had the opportunity to design, construct, and launch their own rockets to experimentally investigate and the theoretical principles of forces. As you can see from the photos of the sessions, the children enjoyed the experience and their excitement and engagement evident! We look forward to carrying on making links with a range of primary schools in our area and giving students a taste of what secondary school is like in preparation for making school choices in Year 6.

Yardley Primary school visit KESH

On Wednesday 17th April 2024, four Year 5 classes came over to experience a flavour of learning at our Academy by taking part in three workshops delivered by our staff specialists in Design and Technology - Ms Marshall, Ms McEvoy and Mr Riddell.

The children got to further develop their prior learning and experience specialist classrooms and equipment in Product Design, Textiles and Food, by taking part in three bespoke Masterclasses. There was an opportunity to refine cutting skills, piping skills and using the hot glue guns to create spring time superblock characters, Bondaweb baskets and decorated cupcakes.

As you can see from the photos of the sessions, the children enjoyed the experience and their excitement and engagement evident!

We look forward to carrying on making links with a range of primary schools in our area and giving students a taste of what secondary school is like in preparation for making school choices in Year 6.

Oasis Blakenhale Primary school visit KESH

On Tuesday 5th March 2024, three Year 5 classes came over to experience a flavour of learning at our Academy by taking part in three workshops delivered by our staff specialists Mr Toal, Ms McEvoy and Mr Organ.

The children got to consolidate their prior learning on “How to build a sustainable world” by taking part in a Masterclass in DT, Geography and Computer Science. There was an opportunity to look at wind power and generating electricity then making their own windmill. A Minecraft programme allowed the children to explore their topic using suitable materials to build their own eco-friendly house and also they planned a map of a sustainable town.

As you can see from the photos of the sessions, the children enjoyed the experience and their excitement and engagement evident!

We look forward to carrying on making links with a range of primary schools in our area and giving students a taste of what secondary school is like in preparation making school choices in for Year 6.


Following on from the Year 5 visit from Oasis Blakenhale primary school, the students have had a chance to complete a survey about their time at our Academy. All enjoyed the day commenting that it was an excellent experience. All felt the learning about Sustainability was helpful, building on the work done back at base and Computer Science was a real hit as were the refreshments at break! Our Academy are pleased that the visitors had an enjoyable and worthwhile experience.

Some of the comments from the students:

  • To stay in KESH all day!
  • Nothing! Everything was really nice and I really liked it and I am begging my mum for me to go to KESH when I am in secondary school
  • I think it was wonderful! Although I would’ve liked to spend longer there to see more of the Academy
  • Perfect session of learning
  • I wish it could be longer and it was amazing
  • Make it long and explore more classes
  • I wish we stayed for the entire school day
  • Listening to the KESH students who worked with us.

The Trust

King Edward VI Academy Trust Birmingham is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registered number 10654935. Registered office: Foundation Office, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham, B15 2UD. Tel: 0121 472 1147.
